Purchase services
at an hourly rate,
for a project,
or for ongoing work.
Hourly Rate
Project Rate
Based on the scope of projects
Retainer Rate
Initial Fee of $1,000
and then a
Monthly Fee of $120
(up to 24 hours per year included)
Reduce your information overload.
Access your information faster.
Increase your responsiveness.
Smooth out your information flows.
Achieve more profitability and capacity.
Improve your information protection.
Enhance your innovation.
Focus your information technology investment to improve value.
TJB Information Management LLC
services are for
business owners,
organizational directors,
to make your information more efficient.

Tammie Beers
Information Specialist
Who am I?
Ohio is my place of birth and life. I grew up in Ohio, lived in several places over the years, and live in my (mostly) beautiful Ohio.
A day without reading rarely happens in my life.
I love God and people and try to show it with my words and actions. I fail often but get up the next day to try again with God's help.
I enjoy listening and learning and helping people.
I dislike sunburns and allergies for very personal reasons.
What do I do?
Help you do what you do better. Empower your information use with purpose. Think of organization, problem solving, and increase value for what you do.
How can I help you?
Contact me to schedule an exploratory conversation or to discuss service offerings.
What you need when and where you need it.
Time Budget
Focus on one thing at a time. Schedules manage your time budget. Interact with your environment so you have what you need where you need when you need for what you need to do.
Guards for time with high focus that are flexible enough to allow useful interruptions.
Set up ways to deal with emergencies. Define circumstances that override the usual and justify unusual actions. Start with internal notification if that is practical but define when external notification is appropriate. Example calling fire department, emergency medical or police.
Schedule it in.
Just because the plan will never quite fit reality is no reason to do away with planning. A good plan is flexible enough to adjust to changes that reshape the day month and year. Routinely update the plan to reflect new priorities and new circumstances.
Define the problem and explore solutions together.
Sit and Stand
Maintain a neutral posture. Sit with feet flat on the floor or on a footrest to place knees slightly higher than hips. Align hips, shoulders, and ears and make 90-degree angles at the waist and knees. Provide clearance for knees, thighs and feet.
Stand without locking knees. Rest upper arms at sides with elbows near 90-degree angles. Align neck, shoulders, hips and feet. Stand on an even surface using a beveled edge anti-fatigue mat. Wear shoes with cushioning and support.
Place telephones, keyboards, and other frequently used objects within comfortable reach while maintaining neutral posture. Place everything else within standing reach.
Arrange mouse within easy reach on the same surface as keyboard. Keep wrists straight, upper arms close, and hands near the level of elbows.
Use speakerphone feature or a headset when using the telephone to comfortably use hands for writing, typing, retrieving papers, and other needs.
Position monitors directly in front of eyes, at arm's length, and directly behind keyboard. Increase screen font size if needed.
Do what you do better with efficient resource management.
Organize Your Space and Time
What is your most valuable activity? What is your end purpose? Identify your most valuable activities based on your highest return for your end purpose. Activities with the closest alignment with your purpose should get most of your time and space. Identify the most valuable real estate (space) and the best times for your priority activities. Organize everything else around those.
Activity Inventory
Make a record of what you do, where, and when. How are you investing your time? What tools do you need? Where is the best or only space to use? Are those activities useful? If not useful in any way, stop doing those activities. Keep in mind that sleep is a necessary and useful activity.
Consider delegating the least valuable activities. Those activities are necessary but is it necessary for you to do them? Evaluate the return on investment of your time and energy.
Save time by making your space as streamlined as possible for your most valuable activities. Place your most used tools in your most convenient reach.
Introduce new ways to communicate and protect your vision.
Sharing You
The purpose of everything you communicate is to increase your impact on the community and your visibility to your community.
Clearly state why you exist. Communicate what you do and what you plan to do. Present your organization at both a broad and detailed level. Specific benefits to specific people are powerful and so is the totality of what you do. One face and the complete picture are high impact in different ways. Use both numbers and images to explain your purpose.
Communicate in as many ways as possible. Use both face to face and virtual, print and digital. Find the tools to communicate and make them work for you.
Put together communication processes that make use of community feedback and allow you to adapt to changing opportunities.
Reply as quickly as possible within your resources. Explain any unavoidable delays.